A post board from real time travelers.

Alright, here’s the thing: Time travel is one of those things that looks feasible on paper, but it’s hard to prove because our reality could, in fact, be the result of actions that time travelers took at some point in time to create events that led us to this version of the present.

Social media, on the other hand, is a great source of information, and the time travel subject has gained more interest over time because people realized that creating content about these theories/conspiracies regarding the unknown is a profitable business. So, the more content they create (whether it’s true or not), the more revenue they’re likely to get out of it.

“So I thought, ‘Well, if I were a time traveler, I wouldn’t use social media to share this important message with humanity because nobody would take it seriously, or it would just vanish in the posts feed.”

So, since I’m a web designer and developer, I found it easy to create a space where real time travelers could share these announcements and advice from the future that people can take seriously, and I found that the best way to achieve this is through money.

Think about this: If it were free, everybody would do the same as they do on social media because they can share everything they want regardless of its veracity for free, since on social media, popularity is more relevant than the truth. But if you have to pay to post a message, two things happen: First, you definitely care for the message to be read and taken as something important; and second, the person who reads it knows that if someone paid to get it posted, it’s because it is, in fact, important. Unless internet trolls want to spend money on watching it burn, which I doubt.

So if time travelers exist, this is a great opportunity to learn from them.

This project came from a dream I had where I was a time traveler

Nothing out of this world, just a dream where I was in 1995 and people started asking about 2024. When I showed them my smartphone, they just freaked out. So when I woke up, I thought that there should be a safe space for time travelers to share what they know without making a mess if people confirm that time travel is possible.